Shamino: So, we're stuck here.
Iolo: Yup.
Shamino: How do we get back?
Iolo: I don't know...through the Serpent Pillars maybe?
Shamino: Dolt! Thats up in the air!
Iolo: Oh. Guess we're stuck then.
Gwenno: You _COULD_ make a balloon?
Iolo: Huh?
Shamino: What's that?
Gwenno: A _balloon_, remember? You used one in Ultima6 [sheesh] I remember, and I wasn't even ON that quest...
Iolo: I don't was the Avatar who made it...
Shamino: Yeah....but it was me who had to lug it around...
Iolo: So, what do we need to make one of these bellows?
Gwenno: Balloon, sweetie.
Shamino: Ummmm....a big bag...a basket
Gwenno: Some rope...
Shamino: a small cauldron...
Iolo: Some food...
Shamino and Gwenno: What? Food?
Iolo: I'm hungry! Feed me!
[the required materials -and Iolo's lunch- appear magically in front of the heroes]
Shamino: Wow! Hack mover!
Gwenno: Well, let's get started....
Iolo: But I'm not done eating!
Gwenno: Fine. Finish your lunch. But when we are back in Britannia while *thou* art still sitting here eating, don't blame us.
Iolo: Oh, all right.... [grumbles about his hunger]
Shamino: Does anyone know how to put this thing together?
Gwenno: Aren't there any instructions? Shamino [looking at the pamphlet] YEah, but they're in Gargoylese
Iolo: No, I think that thou art holding them upside-down.
Shamino: Nonsense! I am not that stupid!
Gwenno: Shamino, they ARE upside-down. Shamino (actually looking at the instructions): Oh, sorry. [mutters something bout how he never points out when THEY make dumb mistakes]
[the heroes try to put the ballon together]
Shamino: No no no! The basket goes on top!
Gwenno: [stuffs the silk-bag into the cauldron]
Shamino: Good I remember that we lit a fire in that cauldron...
[the silk bag burns quite nicely]
Gwenno: Now what?
Shamino: Well...after the fire was lit, we went up...
Iolo: [eating]
Gwenno: [watching the bag burn to embers] We're not mooo-ving!
Shamino: I remember this was a lot easier when the Avatar did it...
Iolo: Are we there yet?
---- Later: Our heroes are on their 17th attempt to make a balloon, and Iolo is on his 24th lunch....
Shamino: There! We did it!
Iolo: About time....
Shamino: Well, if thou didst not use the instructions to start a cookfire, we might have been done a lot sooner.
Gwenno: Um, maybe we should be going...
Iolo: That was NOT a cookfire! I was using it to light the cauldron for the balloon!
Shamino: Then why did I see thee roasting a ham over it? Hmm?
Iolo: That was not until *after* the attempt failed.
Gwenno: QUIT THY BICKERING!!! ...... That's better. Now, I believe we were trying to get out of here.
Shamino: Oh. Umm, yes, but how do we get IN the thing?
Iolo: We are *obviously* supposed to get in the basket. Dost thou not see?
Shamino: Well, exCUSE me!
[ The party gets in the balloon. ]
Iolo: Umm, can I have one more snack? Shamino & Gwenno: NO!!
Iolo: Just thought I'd ask...
[ They light the balloon, and they lift off... Not all that long after, they come across a slight problem....] THUD
Iolo: What was that "thud" sound? Shamino (looking outside the balloon): Umm... we hit the ceiling of the Shrine.
Gwenno: Ai yai yai.... alright, let's land.
[They land.]
Gwenno: Alright, who's got the spare Jawbone...
Shamino: Me.... why?
Gwenno: We're gonna have to take this outside, then fly it to the Gate.
Shamino: You mean I have to carry *THAT*?!?!? No way! I carried the Balloon in U6. I *WILL NOT* carry it again!
[ An argument ensues over who will carry the balloon. Will our heroes EVER make it home? Will they ever stop arguing? And will Iolo *EVER* have enough to eat? Stay tuned... ]